Confession: I’m self-diagnosing here but obsessive compulsive disorder is feeling about right these days. Seems I can’t shut off the news, somehow waiting, hoping, that some new revelation will magically change the current picture for all of us.
But it doesn’t change and it won’t. It’s becoming increasingly clear to those of us who watch and read and pay attention and comprehend that it’s going to be up to each of us to get it right. So I’m turning my attention from global and national news to what we’re doing locally, especially to stay Summerville Strong.
One decent resource (besides our local newspapers and broadcasts) is the COVID-19 ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN For Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. That link will get you there so you can take a look at the ways the tri-county area is trying to take a carefully measured approach to safely reopening and “re-igniting” our counties. Happily, we’re complying above and beyond: limiting customers, disinfecting, allowing contact-free pickup, etc. We’re really proud of that; it’s our civic, moral and patriotic duty, after all.
And we’re proud of you, too, our wonderful readers! You’ve been so cooperative and supportive of the rules: putting books on a table so we can clean them once more instead of placing them back on the shelf; using the hand sanitizer we provide upon entering; and wearing your masks in the store to protect our staff, as well as other vulnerable customers who may enter after you.
Yet we’ve noticed in stores, in the community and yes, even at Main Street Reads, that wearing face masks seems to annoy some folks. I get it; they can get steamy and uncomfortable and even make us feel more vulnerable somehow, a constant reminder that there’s an invisible enemy potentially lurking ’round every corner.
But quoting from the above-referenced document: “WE CAN HELP PROTECT HIGH-RISK INDIVIDUALS BY: Wearing face coverings/masks when within six feet of others, especially if unsure of personal COVID-19 antibody status (worldwide, numerous individuals have been shown to be asymptomatic carriers of the virus and may not be aware they were ever infected)…”
So, as I tell myself, let’s all “suck it up, cupcake.” This too will pass, but ’til it does (or we have a wonder drug/vaccine/cure), we’ll keep the literary lights on AND keeps the masks on. We ask the same of you. Endure the temporary discomfort and then escape into the pages of a great book!
Keep calm and read on… and enjoy a great escape in a new book or two!
Main Street Reads (and S’ville!) in the News!
Meanwhile, in between book deliveries, cleaning, and bringing in new inventory for you thirsty readers, we’ve been engaging with local and national news outlets eager to report on small-town America, often focusing right here in Summerville:
- We were delighted to be interviewed by Scripps News Service for a TV piece: “Main Street Reopens in this Historic SC Town” that ran in markets across the country.
- And just today, Shelf Awareness ran an article featuring Main Street Reads as the lead-in in its “How Bookstores Are Coping: Reopening with Limits.” Shelf Awareness also featured us in an earlier (April 20th) piece, “How Bookstores Are Coping: Planning Ahead, Working Together.”
- In addition, Charleston City Paper did us a solid in April with a wonderful article about our books and brownies promotion: Summerville’s Main Street Reads offering ‘shelf care’ with books and brownies. while the Post and Courier ran the first S’ville piece in How the town of Summerville is managing during the coronavirus pandemic.
Our humble thanks and appreciation to all these news outlets for shining a light on our Flowertown in the Pines.
Today and Tomorrow
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And Next Week…