We’re super excited about tonight, and you’re invited to join in the discussion! Remember Third Thursday? We miss ’em too, but we’re hosting a really fun Zoom event tonight with two brilliant authors and experts from California.

Pam Siegel and Leslie Zinberg wrote the fabulous Grandparenting: Renew, Relive, Rejoice, and they’re going to share some useful and critical Back to School tips, how YOU can help your kids/grandkids, even if you’re socially distanced from loved ones.
We encourage everyone to attend and contact us if you’d like to reserve a copy of the book. Make yourself a mojito and join the fun! (The live event is limited to 100 participants – we’ll open the Zoom room at 6:45 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85613056099?pwd=eU1kS25NdWZjM0xpREk0RW82eVdTZz09
Meeting ID: 856 1305 6099
Passcode: 202020
Who doesn’t want another shot at childhood? The key to opening that door is your grandchildren. Co-authors Siegel and Zinberg provide a concise, down-to-earth guide for both grandparents and parents. Each of the 52 straight forward nourishing practices provide methods of mindfulness, along with endearing real-life stories that grandparents can identify with. These bite-sized stories offer a rich assortment of simple ways to be present in our fast-paced lives and not miss the richness of time spent with grandchildren.
Pulpwood Queens Book Club in One Week

We’re reading Clover Blue (and WOW what a book!). Join us live in the store at 6:30 OR via Zoom (we’ll post the link Sunday).
BONUS! The author of this amazing work, Eldonna Edwards, has agreed to join the discussion via Zoom, so bring your burning questions – ALL ARE WELCOME!
Two for Tea and Tea for Two…

We’re giving away free pouches of Literary Teas with the purchase of any two books. Our “Tea for Two” promotion will last as long as supplies last, so come on out for yours soon! Choices include Simpson & Vail tea blends honoring Maya Angelou, William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, and more!
Coming Soon: Independent Bookstore Day!
Saturday, August 29th, is Independent Bookstore Day. We’re working on a few surprises for you on that day in store. For a full schedule of virtual events happening for readers of all ages all day long, please CLICK HERE!