This Saturday marks national Independent Bookstore Day and we have tons of fun planned for you! You’ll be able to elebrate National Independent Bookstore Day at Main Street Reads with a Book Festival featuring over a dozen authors on Hutchinson Square in historic downtown Summerville! All events are free and open to the public.
From 9:30 a.m. ‘til 3:30 pm, Summerville’s downtown square across Main St. from us will play host to local author superstars. Authors will be featured in time slots throughout the day, with musical interludes from local singer/songwriter/musician Mike Kaltofen. Main Street Reads will provide treats for visiting readers, along with giveaways, prizes, and special Independent Bookstore Day offerings available on the day only!
The award-winning and best-selling local authors selected to appear this weekend represent a wide range of genres, from children’s books to science fiction, non-fiction to Christian fiction, and everything in between!”
Authors begin speaking at 9:30 a.m. and following each author’s presentation they’ll be available to sign books at the signing table under the tent. Authors slated to attend include:
- Peter Cotton: Fred the Snake series (including When Fred the Snake and Friends Explore Charleston)
- Cyndie Degnan: His Strength Made Perfect, Michael’s Story
- Mark Epstein: THEY CALL ME PATHFINDER, Education-Basketball-Equality
- Priscilla Garatti: An Ocean Away, Missing God, On a Clear Blue Day
- John Gibson: Soul Sprints
- Alex Lettau: Yellow Death
- Matthew Loveland: The Artist: Faith, Science and the Rest of Us
- Christina Sinisi: Christmas Confusion and Christmas on Okracoke
- Bob Spearman: Then She Was Dead, Shrimpin’ Gold, Turf and Surf
- Julie Packett: Science Night: The Chronicles of Ms. Clarke’s Class
- Jewel Sweeney: The Adventures of Bugaboo and Ladybug Series (including Up, Up and Away)
- Kathleen Varn: Ameera Unveiled and Gardenia Duty
- Marybeth Wishart: Parker the Purple Penguin
- Kasen Wysong: Colors of the Mayhem
- Katie Sullivan Masalin: Rocks, Paper, Flowers
Further details are available at and photos of all authors and featured books, along with a full schedule, will be posted throughout the day today – Visit the album at
About Independent Bookstore Day
Independent Bookstore Day is a one-day national party that takes place at indie bookstores across the country on the last Saturday in April. Every store is unique and independent, and every party is different. But in addition to authors, contests, and other fun stuff, there are exclusive books and literary items that you can only get on that day. Not before. Not after. Nowhere else.
TONIGHT: A Season in Lights Book Launch!
Seattle novelist Gregory Erich Phillips has selected Main Street Reads for the virtual launch of A Season in Lights. “Written by a true creative, A Season in Lights paints a moving picture of artists, dancers and musicians. Gregory Erich Phillips weaves together the heartaches and lucky breaks of two main characters, Tom and Cammie, and their friends and families. The vignettes culminate with the impact of coronavirus on NYC, and ends with a surprisingly tender and uplifting finale.” Carol Van Den Hende, award-winning author of Goodbye, Orchid
This event is FREE to Main Street Reads readers and Pulpwood Queen Bookclub members! Learn More HERE

Join us TONIGHT, Sunday evening, official launch day, at 8 pm EST via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 871 4133 9735 Passcode: 395745
MONDAY: Main Street Writes
April 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Main Street Reads on Zoom
NOTE: WE WILL MEET VIRTUALLY UNTIL MAY 2021 WHEN WE HOPE TO RESUME LIVE MEETINGS. For the inner writer in all of us, our regular Monday evening writers group that’s growing every week! Come on out any/every Monday at 6:30 p.m. and bring a few pages with you to share with fellow scribes, or just listen in and learn! Anyone wanting to join in via Zoom, use the following credentials: Find out more »
WEDNESDAY: Stories on the Square!
April 21 @ 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Join us every WEDNESDAY morning at 9:30 a.m. for “Stories on the Square, our outdoor storytime adventure with reading by Colleen Rackleff – kids of all ages welcome! Treats served and student discounts to ALL attendees! Colleen’s Storytime at Main Street Reads has become one of our featured events, held outside to ensure proper social distancing. We have lots of chairs for younger listeners, hoola-hoops for distancing and plenty of juice boxes and fruit snacks to munch while they listen.…Find out more »
THURSDAY: Pulpwood Queens Bookclub: Nick by Michael Farris Smith
April 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Main Street Reads, 115 S. Main St.
Summerville, SC 29483
Before The Great Gatsby’s famed Nick Carraway moved to West Egg and into Gatsby’s periphery, he was at the center of a very different story-one taking place along the trenches and deep within the tunnels of World War I… Charged with enough alcohol, heartbreak, and profound yearning to paralyze even the heartiest of golden age scribes, Nick reveals the man behind the narrator who has captivated readers for decades. Join us for an entertaining book club discussion LIVE or online!…Find out more »
New Featured Reads for April!
Click on a Book to Learn More:
You view the full list of favorite picks and the latest out in paperback at our online shop HERE. Enjoy browsing online, or call 843-875-5171 to pick up your choices at the store.
CONGRATS Teacher of the Week:

We’re proud that there are now several teachers we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks for our Teacher of the Week program. This week we’re honoring Ms. Lindsay Stark from Flowertown Elementary School, nominated by fellow teacher Emily Blanchard!
Said Emily in her nomination, “Lindsay is a Reading Interventionist at Flowertown Elementary School and has helped countless emerging readers develop key skills to help them grow in their ability, comprehension, and love for reading. Outside of school, she is an avid reader herself, participating in the Book of the Month club and online discussion groups. I have frequently seen her having in depth conversations about new releases with other colleagues. Lindsay is also quick to lend out her books to spread the #booklove with other coworkers. You can find her bookstagram at @newbooks_ontheblock She really is the best!”
From all of us at Main Street Reads, THANK YOU for everything you do!