Lots to choose from this month; view our January picks by clicking the image below or visit our online Bookshop page. Call the store to reserve an in-store pickup!

Just One Book Club Meeting This Month

We know things are getting off to a relieved but sluggish start in 2021 (including us!) So for January we’re holding (besides our writers groups, story time, Reader Meet Writer and live signing events) just one book club event – The Pulpwood Queens. That will take place on its usual night, the 4th Tuesday of the month.
The PQ bookclub meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. On January 26th we’re discussing: Spellbound Under the Spanish Moss: A Southern Tale of Magic by Connor Judson Garrett and Kevin N. Garrett. Learn more HERE!
Coming Up This Week!
Main Street Writes
January 4 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Main Street Reads, 115 S. Main St.
Happy New Year! We’re back to our weekly schedule beginning January 4th – see you there! For the inner writer in all of us, our regular Monday evening writers group that’s growing every week! Come on out any/every Monday at 6:30 p.m. and bring a few pages with you to share with fellow scribes, or just listen in and learn! Anyone wanting to join in via Zoom instead, use the following credentials: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83115591753?pwd=bGwyNlJITDZvNUcxdU9kckNDSE1Zdz09 Meeting ID: 831 1559 1753 Passcode: 29483…Find out more »
Wednesday Stories on the Square!
January 6 @ 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Main Street Reads, 115 S. Main St.
Happy New Year! Join us every WEDNESDAY morning at 9:30 a.m. for “Stories on the Square, our outdoor storytime adventure with reading by Colleen Rackleff – kids of all ages welcome! Treats served and student discounts to ALL attendees! Colleen’s Storytime at Main Street Reads has become one of our featured events, held outside to ensure proper social distancing. We have lots of chairs for younger listeners, hoola-hoops for distancing and plenty of juice boxes and fruit snacks to munch…Find out more »
Reader Meet Writer: The Wife Upstairs with Rachel Hawkins
January 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
You don’t need to be a scholar of Brontë to appreciate this “compulsive, irresistible retelling of Jane Eyre with a modern, noir twist” (Samantha Downing) perfect for fans of Jessica Knoll, B.A. Paris, and Bravo TV. “Eddie” Rochester is the handsome, charming widower living in a gated community of McMansions called Thornfield Estates; Jane is the new dog-walker from the wrong side of the tracks; and Mrs. Rochester is a self-made millionaire and creator of a Southern lifestyle company à…Find out more »
Book Launch Party: Bernard Mansheim’s Still a Doctor

January 9 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Main Street Reads, 115 S. Main St.
Acclaimed author Dr. Bernard Mansheim will be at Main Street Reads Saturday, January 9th to celebrate the release of his third novel, Still a Doctor. Social distance rules will apply and safe treats will be served! Find out more »
Watch our next installment on Thursday for a VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about the upccoming Pulpwood Queens National Book Club Convention!