Lots to talk about as we head into an already bustling holiday season! But first, a couple of shout-outs to some favorite folks:
C. Hope Clark Brings Edisto Tidings to Her Hometown of Summerville

Award-winning author C. Hope Clark spent a good part of Saturday in the store, signing away! We made sure to have her sign extra copies of all her titles in stock, including the newest release, Edisto Tidings. If you didn’t brave the lousy weather to come on out, we’ve got you covered!

Meet Emma!

We hope you’ll help us welcome the newest member of the hard-working Main Street Reads bibliophile family: Emma June Wood is a high school student (SHS) with a focus on the medical field and an intense interest in all things reading. Her favorite authors include F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zora Neal Hurston, Leigh Bardugo and plenty more you’ll see on her Emma Picks page. She loves all genres, and can typically be found near a stack of books…with snacks.
Coming Up This Week!
Click on each of the images below for full info on that event, or visit our EVENTS page for all upcoming events, and do stop by the store for a sip of cold cider as we celebrate fall together…

As we prepare for Thanksgiving and all we’re grateful for, you might also just want to get an early jump on holiday season shopping, so come on in to enjoy some community and best book recommendations for friends and family…