Confession time: I’ve spent a lot of time working out of the house these past six weeks. It’s all thanks to trying to keep up, typing one-handed with a broken arm. And I can tell ya it takes a LOT longer to do pretty much everything with one arm when you’ve taken two for granted for so long.
But that all ends tomorrow when I’ll be cast-free and I can’t WAIT! The only (and I mean only) upside was getting my brother Ken to paint my cast. He’s pretty in demand (check out Psymonsen Studios) so an original signed piece, even on plaster-stiffened gauze, is a pretty big deal. Now…any creative ideas on how I can frame it when my arm is finally released?
24 hours. I can do this…
Getting Back to School
Obviously, I’m far from the only one getting back in the swing of things. Our daughter has been working overtime all week long setting up her classroom in the all-new East Edisto Middle School (go Wolves!). Plenty of teachers, moms, dads, and eager students have been in to explore back-to-school reads.
And of course, many of us are just trying to figure out alternate travel routes and times to avoid the inevitable morning drive traffic woes. Getting back to it has its upsides and downsides, eh?
We want to make your back-to-school experience fun and unique, so all weekend long we’ll have back to school books and accessories at 10% off – just mention you’re a student or teacher!
Getting Back to Events
Yep, with folks back from family vacations and looking for cool options to beat the heat, our event lineup is growing by the day! Next Tuesday we’re discussing Florida Woman in our bestselllers book club. Thursday is Third Thursday, with a theme of Dog Days. (We’ll have dog treats, dog books and people treats too!) Bookstore Romance Day happens next Saturday. (Watch for wine and chocolate…)
And then of course we’re all gearing up for our Southern Lit Spectacular on September 4th! At right is a cover reveal for the event’s playbill. Southern authors, southern literature, southern food – and some surprises yet to be revealed! It really will be SPECTACULAR!
NOTE: Tix are going fast so please do order yours now – We have a 190 seat capacity at the James Dean theatre up the way and cannot under any circumstances exceed that. This really is a case of “once they’re gone they’re gone.” I know all you readers (and writers!) who’ve reveled in any of these authors’ work will not want to miss this exclusive event, especially since it includes books AND raises $ for our local theatre and Timrod Library.
BONUS – When this event sells out, it’ll send a clear signal to publishers that Summerville is where they need to be sending their big authors! #keepitsummerville
Coming Up…
August 15 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
MONDAY Main Street Writes
August 16 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
August Living Large Book Club: Florida Woman by Deb Rogers
August 17 @ 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Wednesday Stories on the Square
August 18 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
August Third Thursday: Dog Days with Cool Treats!
August 20 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Bookstore Romance Day 2022
August 25 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
August Pulpwood Queens Book Club:
Every Now and Then by Lesley Kagen
September 4 @ 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm