Big lineup and some changes to announce… but first, a big shout-out to JB Biggs, shown above, who had a wonderful signing at Main Street Reads on Saturday morning! Thanks, JB, and if you missed it, we have a limited number of signed copies of Child of Wrath on hand – come grab yours!
February 15th Booksigning: Meet Nicole and Heather!
February 15th (yep, the day after Valentine’s Day!) will be a special day at Main Street Reads when we host TWO authors and two wonderful books!

Nicole Musap is a Certified Holistic Health and Life Coach. Her book, Feel It. Heal It. Let It Go: Taking Power Back From Your Pain shares her experiences growing up in an atmosphere where addiction, denial, lying, and keeping secrets was the norm. Within the chapters, you will be guided through a journey that taps upon eye-opening topics. This book offers three revelations of action to transform behavior from self-defeating to life-enhancing. Feeling the pain, healing from the pain and then letting go of that pain. Nicole shares how to approach life’s challenges with confidence, love, courage, and even humor.

Speaking of traveling, our other featured author, Heather Lyn Mann, was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. Her memoir, Ocean of Insight: A Sailor’s Voyage from Despair to Hope, spans six years living afloat through disasters and discoveries—life-threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
In other words – we’re looking forward to a most excellent day of thoughtful discussion and brilliant insights from these two authors! Nicole and Heather’s books will both be available for sale and signing and refreshments will be served! LEARN MORE HERE
Children’s Storytime Moves to Sundays at 1:00 p.m.

With busy winter schedules, school and preschool, we’ve decided to move Colleen’s Friday morning storytime to SUNDAYS at 1:00 p.m. That officially begins February 16th – which means there’ll be NO storytime on Friday. Instead, we’ll have treats out all day for Valentine’s Day!
Living Large Bookclub Moves to 1st Thursdays 6:30 p.m.

Our first 2020 Living Large Bestsellers Bookclub event will take place on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the store. We’ll be discussing American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins, an Oprah Book Club pick and so far easily the most talked-about book of 2020.
But wait, there’s more! We have a LIMITED number of signed-by-the-author copies of American Dirt and they WILL be spoken for quickly, so call us at 843-875-5171 to reserve yours right away or stop by the store to grab one. Phone reservations will be accepted provided you pick up the book within five days.
Our extraordinarily well-read book clubber Elizabeth Grider has graciously volunteered to facilitate the discussion. We’ll have links to the discussion guide at the event HERE. Please do join us for this important discussion – we’ll provide the treats; you provide the lively conversation!
Come for 3rd Thursday, Then Head to a Real Ghost Hunt!
Nicholas McGirr will be here for Third Thursday and some “spirited discussion” and then invites you to head to downtown Charleston for a live Ghost Hunting Tour!
To book your tix, visit and make sure to use discount code “MAINSTREET” for a $7 discount, making YOUR ticket just $20. (Hint: This is even lower than their best deal on Groupon!)
You can use the code to book any night, but we want to encourage you to book on the night of the signing, February 20th.

Stay tuned for more announcements and keep checking our calendar for new upcoming events… ’til we see you again, READ ON!
My husband and I truly enjoyed meeting JB Biggs. What an outstanding young man who is so worthy of being the Author of a Best Selling Book! I bought a copy for myself and my husband has not put it down since we got home. JB’s story touches many men who lives parallel similar upbringings. Kudos to JB for telling an amazing story that touches many hearts of readers.