Hello, friends… It’s Indie Bookstore Week all week long, leading up to our big Book Fair on the Square Saturday, featuring plenty of authors, treats, special IBD items and MORE.
We’re going to post again on Tuesday with more lineup details, but here’s a look at who will be here and WHEN:

And after dad’s final estate sale day today (come by and say hi if you can – 103 Sommet Blvd. ’til 5 pm) we have a full week ahead with Main Street Writes, Stories on the Square and Indie Bookstore Day, then we hop right on into May and beginning MAY DAY on May 1st, we’ll be featuring our School Spirit Week to benefit Spann Elementary School.

But wait, there’s MORE! Sunday, May 7th is the event all you Patti Callahan Henry fans have been pining for… a fantastic afternoon with Patti at Timrod Library. She’ll also be in conversation with the always insightful Jonathan Haupt, director of the Pat Conroy Literary Society in Beaufort. AND not only will we be there selling Patti’s work (remember, your ticket includes the new The Secret Book of Flora Lea), but you’ll enjoy an incredible array of delectable treats at the library.
We’re so proud to partner with the Timrod Library on this event – JOIN US! Get your tix HERE
See you on Main Street!