Thank You, S’ville First Responders

I don’t need to tell you it’s been a tough week for all, but I took a screenshot of this image from WCBD News 2 because I needed y’all to see (article here: – It’s a reminder for all of us that while we’re trying to stay safe and dry, there are first responders in our community putting themselves in harm’s way for us. We thank you, Summerville Fire & Rescue!

We’ve managed, somehow, to stay dry at the store, and very much hope all of you are safe and dry. Check in w/us on social and let us know you’re okay! So far, we’ve heard from over a hundred customers stopping in and/or reaching out and we love hearing from you.

This week’s Main Street Writes is virtual via Zoom; hopefully the rest of the week/month’s events can come off without a hitch. We’re live at the store with our thriller club on Tuesday, story time on Wednesday morning, and a “Back to School” themed Third Thursday! And don’t forget – TWO big author signings on Saturday when we celebrate national Bookstore Romance Day! We’ll have plenty of goodies on hand, and blind date books for anyone purchasing one of our signing authors’ works.

‘Til we see you on Main Street, please stay safe…


Main Street Writes Monday

Thrill in the ‘Ville Bookclub August:
Extinction by Douglas Preston

Wednesday Stories on the Square

Third Thursday: Back to School!

Young Reader Book Club August:
Escape to the River Sea

Not What She Seems: Book Launch Signing
& Reception with Yasmin Angoe!

Living Large Bookclub August:
The Little Village of Book Lovers