Thriller Club Tuesday; Blind Date w/a Book on Dad’s Day Weekend!

Lot’s coming up so let’s get right to it!

Tuesday, it’s our Thrill in the ‘Ville Book Club, when we’ll be dishing on a seriously thrilling discussion around The Institution by Helen Fields As always, our book club selections are 10% off. You bring the conversation, we’ll supply the treats (and wine, of course).

They’re locked up for your safety. Now, you’re locked in with them...more details HERE.

Announcing Pre-Order Specials!

Yep, you asked, we answered. Based on the incredible number of wicked cool books coming soon, and your desire to be the first to get ’em, we’re starting a pre-order cart right on the website. If you order the book HERE, then you’re guaranteed a copy on release day AND you’ll get an automatic 5% (or more) off.

Why? It’s a win-win – you get the book you want on release day, without fear of it selling out, while we can better anticipate Summerville reader interest in the books and make sure we have the right number on hand!

We’ll add at least one book a week, so keep visiting for the special pricing options! Right now we have THREE selections for you, including Shipwrecked by Mary Alice Monroe and Angela May, the middle-grade sensation releasing June 18; The Villain Edit by Laurie DeVore, releasing July 2 and being featured on Bookstore Romance Day August 17th, and Joined at the Joints by Marissa Eller, ALSO releasing July 2 and the YA Romance pick for Bookstore Romance Day (both authors will be here signing that day!).


If you’d prefer to pre-order the book in-store, we can do that, too – just mention it’s a pre-order special and we’ll keep your name on the list to grab the book on its big release day. NOTE: To be eligible for discounts, pre-orders must be prepaid.

Blind Date with a Book Weekend

We’re celebrating our dads like we celebrated moms, with a free Blind Date with a Book weekend! We have dozens of books wrapped and ready to go – buy a book and choose a blind date book FREE while supplies last!. Happy Father’s Day weekend – we love our dads!

Congrats to Our Library Friends!

The new Ashley River branch of the Dorchester Library had its official ribbon cutting this past week. The new digs look fantastic – yay for readers and those who are helping more become readers!

Bookseller Picks for June!

Here’s a look at what booksellers are loving this month – grab ’em in-store or at our online shop HERE – happy reading!