Great virtual events happening today/tonight and on through the weekend… See you on Main Street!
Pulpwood Queens Girlfriend Weekend:
Zoomathon and Book Fair! (Fee)
January 14 @ 2:00 pm – January 17 @ 8:00 pm VIRTUAL EVENTS OFFICIAL PROGRAM: PULPWOOD QUEENS AND TIMBER GUYS BOOK CLUB 2021 GIRLFRIEND WEEKEND ZOOMATHON SLUMBER PARTY JANUARY 14-17, 2021 Email: [email protected] Website: All attendees, including featured authors, presenters, special guests, and keynotes are encouraged to wear their pajamas. Please note that Zoom meeting links will be posted and sent to each paid individual attendee’s registered email early morning prior to the launch of each day’s events and are not to be shared. At the conclusion of the event, each paid attendee…Find out more »
Reader Meet Writer: Wilmington’s Lie with David Zucchino
January 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Email us for your personal link to attend this event FREE! From Pulitzer Prize-winner David Zucchino comes a searing account of the Wilmington riot and coup of 1898, an extraordinary event unknown to most Americans. By the 1890s, Wilmington was North Carolina’s largest city and a shining example of a mixed-race community. It was a bustling port city with a burgeoning African American middle class and a Fusionist government of Republicans and Populists that included black aldermen, police officers and…Find out more »
Your Personal Wishlist/Book Registry

We’ve noticed that sometimes when you visit Main Street Reads, you see a book you may want but aren’t ready to add to your stack yet. Or, a friend comes in and wants to grab you that perfect book but they’re not sure what that book is. By filling out this quick form, we’ll keep a wishlist for you, and mark off when you grab anything on the list (much like a wedding gift registry).
If you see a book or books in the store you’re not ready to take home yet, or just want to share your Goodreads “want to read” list, we can add those to your personal wishlist, too. No more forgetting what that book was you just had to read! The form below will let you get started right away, or visit the store and we’ll set up your initial list in seconds!
This Month’s Featured Reads:
Click on a Book to Learn More!
You can also view the full list of favorite January picks at our online shop HERE. Enjoy browsing online, or call 843-875-5171 to pick up your choices at the store.
Ever Keeping You Safe!

Cases continue to increase in our county. Click here for more info or on the graphic above. Stay safe – we’d miss you! NOTE: If you don’t feel safe coming into the store OR cannot wear a mask, we’re happy to take your orders by phone and deliver to your home or curbside.
At Main Street Reads, we continue to daily clean and disinfect, use a sneeze shield at checkout, wear our masks and observe social distance. In addition we installed a new air filtration system in December. Free hand sanitizer is provided to all customers as well as masks if you’ve forgotten yours. We can do this gang, stay Summerville Strong!