The November Book Picks are IN and you’re going to love the choices (a couple notably will be upcoming book club picks). Check ’em out HERE or click on the image below to view/grab them on our online shop:

AND… talk about a Lit Weekend – there are three BIG literary events happening in Summerville this Saturday – we hope you’ll have a chance to attend one or all of them:
Nicole Seitz at Main Street Reads
Here at the store we’ll be hosting famed Nicole Seitz with her newest book, ideal for middle grade readers. We have both books in the series available – come out and meet this gifted author and artist! FULL EVENT DETAILS HERE

Fall Fest at the Timrod Library
ALSO on Saturday, our dear friends at the Timrod Library are holding their annual fundraiser festival. There’ll be plenty to see or do there, too, so plan your Saturday around both these wonderful literary celebrations! MORE INFO HERE

Want more? Visit our EVENT CALENDAR for more upcoming events and stay tuned for Sunday’s post for a full November lineup – the hits just keep on coming…