Happy Labor Day! On Making Memories

Happy Labor Day weekend y’all! May I share a little something?

Back when my stepmom was suffering from early-onset Alzheimers, we all learned the real value of memories. We’d make sure to take photos at every family gathering or fun outing. Later then, we could show her those visual reminders of the fun we’d had. Each memory, each photo became precious pearls marking a life well-lived. And we each got to relive the moments ourselves.

So it’s become especially joyful to watch so many memories in our reading community’s clubs and events forming pearls of their own.

If you haven’t been able to join us yet, maybe September is your month because we’ve darn near got something going every day. Meaning, lots of pearls to pick from and add to your own strand!

Just a few highlights:

  • We’re open Labor Day and our Labor Day Loyalty sale continues today and on through tomorrow. NOTE: No writers group Monday in observance of the holiday.
  • We’ve added our silent reading groups (TWO Silent Nights and one Peaceful Morning).
  • We’re adding a ROMANCE CLUB, led by our own Kelley Dykes
  • Third Thursday precedes our town’s Sweet Tea Festival September.21st.

So…. check out our EVENTS CALENDAR for what’s coming up so you can mark those calendars. Each event title is a live link to that specific event as well. More on some incredible new releases and preorders next week, but for today, just enjoy the holiday weekend!

We’ll see you on Main Street…