First, our fervent hopes and prayers for all our southern neighbors still dealing with Ian’s aftermath. The photos, videos, and news reports have been sobering, to say the least.
And while most of us lost power for a bit (hey, less than 24 hours is a BIT in these conditions!), for most of our readers in Summerville, Ian turned out to be mostly some bad breeze and a bit more rain than we’d like to see. We braced for the worst so we feel grateful for the minimal damage.
At the store we put down a few beach towels near the door and crossed our fingers and toes. When we opened yesterday, the towels were wet, the floors were not! Dry floors, dry books, dry shelves. Again, incredibly grateful.
Judi Lauren had a lovely signing in the afternoon and now we’re back on the merry-go-round, welcoming in a new month, new events, and plenty of new books. NOTE: The PQ bookclub will do its “makeup” this Thursday, virtual only. The Rotary Oktoberfest scheduled for yesterday has been moved to November 5th.
A few items of interest below and I’ll share more this week about some amazing new books and authors as we get back in the groove…
‘Til then, be safe, hug a family member, help a neighbor, and we’ll see you on Main Street…