Halloween has come and gone, along with over one thousand pieces of candy, lots of cupcakes, and several signed copies of Bruce Orr’s haunted tales. Because, on Halloween, who ya gonna call but our favorite ghostbuster?!
So now we get ready for lots more visiting authors, and some national events you can be part of, beginning November 8th – Love Your Bookstore week! Here are details of upcoming events at Main Street Reads:
Celebrate Your Favorite Bookstore!

As a booklover, bookstores have shaped you, whether you were a child learning to read or an adult looking for connections through the written word. We want to celebrate bookstores from coast to coast because we know that booklovers are in every city in the country.
From Kodiak to Key West, from Seattle to Summerville, there are readers everywhere! Celebrate your favorite bookstore by posting a photo from inside the store with a favorite book (or bookseller!) and use #loveyourbookstore and #mainstreetreads in the caption to share the love!

Go into your local bookstore (any bookstore!) between November 8 and November 17 and take a picture of the book you are most excited to gift this holiday season!
Post your photo to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter sometime November 8 – 17 with the hashtag #loveyourbookstore and you’ll be entered to win awesome bookish prizes! When you post, challenge five friends to go love THEIR favorite bookstore too.
This Week at Main Street Reads
- Monday: Writers Group
- Friday: Morning Story Time
- Saturday: Booksigning with E.D. Baker
- Sunday: Book Launch with Janice Neal Meyer
Click on the images below to learn more about these upcoming events, and stay tuned for more announcements; more November fun to come…