Wow! So much catching up to do since our brush with brazen Dorian!
First, hoping you all fared well and stayed safe in the storm. We’ve heard from a lot of you that things were okay. We lost some trees at our houses, but happily the store suffered no damage and no water got on your books!
Due to the storm and some ensuing schedule difficulties we’re doing a bit of rearranging:
Monday Night: It’s Main Street Writes as usual – our weekly crew of future star authors continues to grow – come on out and join us at 6:30 and share your words, or just listen in!

Thursday Night: We’ll all be celebrating fall at this month’s Third Thursday with Memphis author Susan Cushman, in town for stops on her southeast book tour for Friends of the Library. She did a FINE job today at the Summerville Library on Old Trolley Rd. and we look so forward to hosting her at the store!
Grab your signed copy and help us celebrate the value of libraries in our communities. NOTE: A portion of all sales will be gifted to the Summerville Public Library.
Friday Storytime! We just spent a weekend in Spartanburg at the Southern Independent Booksellers trade show and brought back some wonderful new voices in children’s literature. Colleen will have plenty to share, and ask us about our recommendations, too.
hriller Club: This week’s meeting is postponed Until October 8th: Join us on October 8th for another Thrille in the Ville gathering – we’re excited to hear your suggestions for upcoming reads! LEARN MORE HERE.