
PLUS — For our dessert stroll treat at Main Street Reads, and in
Miss Colleen is out of town on vacation, so our Friday morning storytime will resume NEXT Friday, October 11th. Stop in for brownie bites that afternoon instead! (Fruit snacks and juice boxes will still be available for young visiting readers, too…)
Saturday Signing to Benefit Dorchester Paws

Then, on Saturday, before Oktoberfest kicks off on Hutchinson Square (noon – 6 p.m.) we’re excited to host Peter Zheutlin, author of the New York Times bestseller Rescue Road: One Man, Thirty Thousand Dogs and a Million Miles on the Last Hope Highway. Peter will be at Main Street Reads to discuss his eighth book release: THE DOG WENT OVER THE MOUNTAIN: Travels with Albie: An American Journey and proceeds will benefit Dorchester Paws!